Automobile Accident Attorneys in Houston

Hundreds of car accidents happen every day across America. When we’re lucky, we get away with just a minor fender bender. But when accidents are serious, they are devastating. Car accidents are responsible for injuries like whiplash, traumatic head and brain injuries, broken ribs, internal bleeding, and psychological pains, including post-traumatic stress disorder and guilt. Our Houston car wreck attorneys will help you recover financial compensation for your vehicle, but more importantly, we care about your health and justice.

Joshua P. Davis with clients

Our Approach

Car accidents can be very serious incidents. When an accident results in a fatality, navigating personal injury law, in addition to making familial arrangements, can be overwhelming. Our team is here to try and ease the stress that comes with the legalities of restoring your family and livelihood. Take relief in knowing that our team of Houston car crash attorneys is knowledgeable, experienced, and here to advocate for your best interests. At Davis Law Group, you're in good hands.

When to Turn to a Houston Automobile Accident Lawyer

If you are injured or involved in a car accident, it is important to contact a car accident lawyer right away. Oftentimes, when you file a claim, the insurance company will have a team of attorneys and adjusters completing the evaluation, where they may offer you less than is justified or, worse, deny your claim. Insurance companies may also experience challenges, disagreeing with who is at fault. In these situations, turn to a car wreck lawyer who knows the fullest extent of the law and has the necessary experience to ensure you receive the most favorable outcome.

Why Davis Law Group?

Davis Law Group was founded in April 2013 by Joshua Davis, a double-board-certified personal injury lawyer who was passionate about bringing justice to those who were wronged and making a positive difference in their lives. The team of Houston car wreck attorneys at Davis Law Group has the experience, knowledge, and credibility necessary when it comes to approaching and navigating car accident cases. Clients can feel confident knowing that their best interests are at the forefront, and our firm will work tirelessly to obtain justice.

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Common Causes of Car Accidents


People aren't perfect, so it's no surprise that most vehicular accidents are caused by human error. Recklessness is when a driver knowingly takes a risk despite understanding the potential consequences of their actions. The driver disregards the safety of others, putting them in danger, which makes the driver guilty of the outcome. Forms of recklessness include speeding, mishandling cars with respect to the weather, disobeying traffic signals, failing to use headlights, and passing vehicles improperly.


The most common form of reckless and aggressive driving is speeding. Our speed limits exist for very good reasons: to keep drivers safe, reduce the number of accidents and casualties on the road, and help with the flow of traffic. Disobeying them decreases a driver’s reaction time, endangering them as well as others sharing the road, including other drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. In circumstances where road conditions change, it is more difficult to stay in control of your vehicle when excessive speeding is involved.


Fatigue and sleepiness are common causes of accidents. They're most common during late-night driving and among workers who drive long hours for a living, like truck operators. Driving tired is just as, if not more, dangerous than driving intoxicated. It makes the driver unable to give full, undivided attention to the road, make sound decisions, and react to changes in the road in a timely manner. If you’re tired, pull over. Consequences may be severe if you don’t.


The poor decision to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated can end in catastrophe, with drunk-driving crashes leading to about 30 deaths in the United States each day. Substance abuse includes alcohol, non-medicinal drugs, and medications with impairing side effects, like drowsiness, slurred speech, reduced hand-eye coordination, and confusion. All of these substances may slow a driver's reflexes and decrease their judgment on the road, resulting in accidents or even fatalities.

Distracted Driving

Amidst all of the distractions of today’s modern world, there are many drivers on the road who do not stay alert and focused behind the wheel. Phones, tablets, music devices, and even changing the radio can take attention away from the road. This can lead to dangerous driving practices and, unfortunately, tragic consequences.

Aggressive Driving

Often described as “road rage,” aggressive driving is very common among drivers. It refers to when operators of a vehicle engage in reckless driving behaviors on the road, often with a complete disregard for the safety of others. Aggressive driving includes speeding in heavy traffic, tailgating, frequent lane changes, weaving, blocking cars from passing, running red lights, and failing to signal. These drivers may also intentionally force others off of the road, sideswipe vehicles, or throw objects.

Texting and Driving

One of the worst forms of distracted driving is texting. While illegal in most states, people still choose to divert their attention to their phones instead of the road, endangering themselves and others. Within five seconds of sending or reading a text, a lot can happen, including a fatal accident. In the United States, it is estimated that one out of four car accidents result from texting while driving, with 1.6 million occurring a year. Common signs of texting while driving include sudden braking, swerving, and looking down.

Defective Car Parts

When you purchase a car, you expect it to keep you safe as you travel from point A to B. Unfortunately, there are instances when car parts become defective, affecting how the car operates. This can result in serious consequences, including a crash. Defects can be common in both design and manufacturing. Accidents due to defective auto parts can be caused by brake failure, a faulty steering system, car wiring, sudden acceleration, defective airbags, and more.

Mechanical Malfunctions

Mechanical malfunctions are often results of a product or manufacturing defect. A defect in product design can consequently cause many cars to experience a malfunction, while a manufacturing defect usually affects very few. When vehicle parts don't function properly, they endanger the driver and can cause a potential car accident. Some types of mechanical malfunctions include defective tires, airbags, seatbelts, and brakes. It is common for vehicles to be recalled due to mechanical issues that can or have compromised the safety of drivers.

Road Hazards

Rather than a driver’s own negligence, hazards on the road may sometimes cause a driver to swerve or lose control of their vehicle, resulting in a serious car accident or collision. Common road hazards include rough roads, potholes, debris, animals, poorly maintained bridges, standing water, materials left behind from a construction zone, adverse weather conditions, and more. Different entities can be liable for an accident occurring, depending on the type of hazard that was involved.

Medical Emergencies

Unexpected medical emergencies can occur while a driver is operating a vehicle, which can put them in danger of being in a car crash, causing harm to themselves and others on the road. Under the sudden emergency medical defense observed by most states, drivers who have suffered an unforeseen medical emergency may not be liable in the event of an accident due to their lack of control. Examples of such medical emergencies include unconsciousness, heart attack, seizure, and more.

Medical Disabilities

Drivers who have a known medical disability must adhere to state traffic laws, as well as any addendums to their licenses. Restrictions are placed on their license in order to keep both them and others on the road safe. In the event of a car accident of any kind, a disability may not be used to avoid liability, unlike a sudden medical emergency. In fact, failure to comply with legal restrictions on a license is strong evidence of negligence.

Types of Car Crashes We Deal With

Head-On Collisions

A head-on collision is a type of accident that occurs when the front of two vehicles crashes into one another when traveling in opposite directions. They are reported to be responsible for about 10% of crash-related deaths in the United States. Some common causes of a head-on collision include driving while intoxicated, fatigue, distracted driving, and road hazards. Drivers involved in this type of accident can sustain serious injuries or even worse.

Fender Benders

One of the most common types of car accidents is a fender bender. While this is considered a minor accident, it typically causes vehicle damage, with rarely any serious injuries sustained by the drivers and or passengers. Those involved in the accident may experience whiplash, injuries to the arm and wrist, and back pain. Fender benders occur at low speeds and are a result of distracted driving, navigating crowded spaces like parking lots, and more.

Rear-End Collision

A rear-end collision is the consequence of one vehicle crashing into the back of another vehicle. In most instances, the driver who rear-ends another is at fault due to unsafe driving behaviors like tailgating. However, there are some situations where the vehicle in front acts with negligence. This includes when a driver decides to reverse suddenly and without warning, fails to fix broken brake lights or other mechanical malfunctions, and brake checks.

Uber/Lyft/Taxi Accidents

With more people utilizing rideshare services, like Uber and Lyft, as well as taxis for travel, traffic has increased on the roads. Different types of accidents involving a passenger can range in severity, and accident liability is determined by whose vehicle hits whose. Accidents involving rideshare companies or taxis can become a little complicated when it comes to obtaining compensation, which is why it's important to hire an expert attorney.

Sideswipe Collisions

When two vehicles are driving next to each other, and the left side of one vehicle collides with the right side of the other, this is called a sideswipe accident or collision. The culprits of these accidents are changing lanes without checking blind spots, merging into another lane without caution, distracted driving due to texting, eating, or drinking, driving while intoxicated, aggressive driving, and fatigue. This type of accident can involve multiple vehicles, resulting in critical injuries.

Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents are among some of the most severe and can result in traumatic injuries and fatalities. While it’s true that larger vehicles tend to be involved with rollover crashes, vehicles of any size have the capability to roll over, given the circumstances. Some causes that lead to this type of accident include tripping (striking into soft soil, a guardrail, or a curb), inclement weather conditions, speeding, driving while impaired, design and manufacturing defects, and poor road conditions.

Side Impact Accidents

Also referred to as a T-bone accident, a side impact accident happens when the front of a driver’s vehicle hits another vehicle from the side. Severe injuries, as well as fatalities, may occur due to the lack of a structural barrier at the point of impact. Side impact collisions are commonly caused by driving while intoxicated, engaging in distracted driving behaviors, poor weather conditions, failing to obey traffic signals and signs, and speeding.

Failure to Yield Accidents

When drivers fail to adhere to traffic laws, serious ramifications can transpire. Yielding to other drivers in certain situations is not only the law but also prevents accidents and serious injuries from happening. Examples include failing to yield to oncoming traffic when making an unprotected turn, engaging in aggressive driving while merging onto a freeway or highway, disobeying flashing yellow or red lights, and more. It is typical for the victim of the crash to collide with the vehicle that has failed to yield.

Chain Reaction Accidents

A chain reaction accident involves multiple vehicles and may occur because of the carelessness of more than one driver. Rear-end accidents are the outcome of a vehicle forcefully colliding with one car, causing it to hit another. These accidents usually involve more than two vehicles. Causes of chain reaction accidents include distracted driving, aggressive driving, impaired driving, and inclement weather. Oftentimes, drivers do not keep a safe distance from other vehicles, which can also contribute to the impact of a chain reaction accident.

Teen Driver Accidents

Teenagers are given the opportunity to receive their driver’s license at 16 upon taking their permit test and passing their driving test. Many teenage driving accidents occur because of lack of experience, forms of distracted driving like texting, eating, or changing the radio station, reckless driving, driving with other teenage passengers, and more. It has been reported that car accidents are the leading cause of fatalities among teenagers in the United States.

Older Adult Driver Accidents

As seniors age, operating a vehicle can become more challenging due to various health conditions. Although they may want to exert their independence, they are more at risk of endangering themselves and others on the road. While most states require elderly drivers to renew their licenses and undergo vision tests, accidents can still occur that can consequently cause serious injuries or even fatalities. If another driver is responsible, the elderly driver or their family may receive compensation.

Self-Driving Car Accidents

Self-driving vehicles navigate the road without human input. While they’re supposed to operate safely without the need for human intervention, these vehicles, like any other, can still be subject to accidents. Most self-driving car accidents are, in fact, due to human error. In the event that there is a road hazard or another traffic situation, the car may not be able to respond properly, which may result in an accident. Determining who is liable for the accident can often be difficult as there are different factors to consider.

Uninsured Car Accidents

When purchasing a car, drivers are responsible for making sure they are covered by an auto insurance policy. This type of insurance protects drivers when unexpected events occur, including car accidents. In situations where there is an accident, and one driver fails to provide insurance information, an uninsured motorist claim may be filed on the other driver’s car insurance policy. Some drivers don’t purchase insurance because they simply can’t afford it. In these circumstances, it is important to have help from an expert attorney.

Employer Liability for Car Accidents

When an employee is performing a job-related task and gets into a car accident, the employer may be responsible if a victim sustains any injuries. This is often referred to as vicarious liability. Many professions that drive on behalf of their employers include food delivery drivers, truck drivers, construction workers, bus drivers, and more. Though a driver may not be operating a company-owned vehicle, the employer may still be liable.

Hit-and-Run Accidents

Hit-and-run accidents happen when a driver of a vehicle hits another vehicle, pedestrian, or object and flees the scene. Leaving the scene of an accident without providing proper identification or seeking medical attention for those affected is a crime. Drivers may choose to leave after a hit-and-run accident due to being uninsured, driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, being previously convicted of another crime, experiencing fear or confusion, or being involved in a car chase.

Bus Accidents

Buses help numerous people commute to their destination every day, and unfortunately, they are not insusceptible to car accidents. Bus accidents can cause serious injuries, as many do not provide safety equipment, like seatbelts, and oftentimes, passengers are forced to stand due to the lack of available seating. The size of buses puts them at more risk for rollover accidents. Common causes of bus accidents include poor road conditions, bad weather, reckless driving, and more.

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Preventing Car Accident-Related Injuries

Avoiding a car accident is sometimes impossible if another driver chooses to act negligently; however, there are ways to prevent injuries in the event that an accident occurs. Drivers and passengers should wear their seatbelts at all times. Adhere to traffic laws by following the speed limit posted, using turn signals, and paying attention to what is happening on the road. It is also important to get your vehicle serviced to make sure there are no mechanical issues that could cause serious injuries.

What to Do After You’ve Been in an Accident

Call 911 (If Emergency)

In the event of a serious car accident, it is important to call 911 right away if possible. Police officers can arrive at the scene and gather information regarding the accident. They can also assist with redirecting traffic if the drivers involved are unable to pull off to the side. First responders may also be necessary if medical attention and treatment are required, as well as if victims need to be extricated from their vehicle.

Seek Medical Care

Receiving appropriate medical attention and care is crucial after being involved in a car accident. Serious injuries need to be attended to in a timely manner, so those involved in the accident should call for help immediately. In circumstances where drivers and or passengers are unable to do so, a bystander can be of assistance. Even if a victim believes they don’t need immediate medical attention, it is possible that symptoms of an injury may appear later, which is why it’s important to see a doctor or healthcare professional.

Exchange Insurance Information

Following an accident, it is important for the parties involved to exchange insurance information. An insurance card contains the name of the insured, their address, the insurance company and policy number, the make, model, and year of the vehicle, vehicle identification number, and the date the policy went into effect, as well as the expiration. If an officer is at the scene, they can help document the accident and later provide those involved with a report.

Take Photos of the Scene

If possible, capture photos of the accident and the location in which it happened. Photos may include the damages sustained by the vehicles involved, any hazards that may have been present, the conditions of the road, the weather, traffic signs that are visible, and any injuries that are apparent at that moment. Visual evidence of the damage will be helpful when reporting the accident to your insurance company, helping you receive rightful compensation.

Gather Contact Information of Witnesses

Witnesses can be extremely vital in car accident cases as they may have seen exactly what occurred. They can provide drivers with valuable information on what they saw happen, which can prove to be helpful when insurance companies are trying to determine who was at fault. It is important to get the names and phone numbers of any witnesses so that they can report their version of the accident to an insurance claims adjuster.

Document the Accident

It is important to document the accident in order to be able to provide your insurance company with the necessary information when filing a claim. After an accident occurs, make sure to take note of the accident's date, time, location, road conditions, weather conditions, damages, injuries, number of vehicles involved in the collision, drivers and passengers involved in the collision, numbers and names of witnesses, and information regarding any responding police officers at the scene.

Report the Accident

Once you have documented the car accident, it is time to file a claim with your insurance company. However, before reporting the accident, it is in your best interests to get in contact with an experienced personal injury lawyer who specializes in car accident cases. A lawyer can help guide you through the claims process and ensure you are fairly compensated for any injuries and damages incurred. Their goal is to help you receive the most favorable outcome.

Call Davis Law Group

When you are ready to receive legal support for your accident, it is important to call the experienced and knowledgeable Houston automobile accident lawyers at Davis Law Group. It is our priority to mitigate the stress that comes with the legalities of restoring your family and livelihood. Our firm will stand by your side, navigating your personal injury case with diligence to ensure you are awarded the financial compensation and justice you need to return to your life.

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Auto Driver Laws and Regulations

Speed limits, traffic signals, road signs, the list goes on. Disobeying these traffic rules and posted signage can lead to serious consequences. The purpose of driving laws and regulations is to help maintain the safety of drivers while they are traveling to their intended destination, which includes preventing motor vehicle accidents. If not operated properly, vehicles can be extremely dangerous. When another driver fails to comply with the law, they are acting with negligence and can endanger others.

Your Case Matters, and We Are Here to Help

At Davis Law Group, we understand that accidents happen when we least expect them to. Our team of Houston car crash attorneys is committed to helping you or someone you love when it comes to holding those accountable for their actions and receiving fair compensation as a result of an injury or wrongful death caused by a motor vehicle accident. We have the knowledge, experience, and resources necessary to represent our clients during difficult times. Contact our Houston office today, and let us help you navigate the legal process after a motor vehicle accident.

Joshua P. Davis
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What should I do if I’m involved in a car accident?

What can I receive compensation for?

What if the accident was my fault?

Do I need a lawyer if the accident wasn’t my fault?

What if the other driver has no insurance?

Should I accept a settlement?

Should I get medical attention even if I feel ok?

Should I still hire a lawyer for a minor accident?

How long do I have to file a lawsuit for personal injuries/property damage?

Will I have to go to court?

Why do I need a lawyer?

How long will it take to resolve my case?

What should I do if I’m involved in a car accident?

In serious accidents, immediate medical attention and treatment are necessary. When appropriate, it is important to gather all information about the accident, including the names of any drivers and witnesses, insurance information of those involved, and photo evidence of any damage. Hold on to medical bills, and hold off on car repair until an attorney makes sure you’re being fairly compensated.

What can I receive compensation for?

Car accidents range in severity, and different factors are considered when determining compensation. Depending on your case, your compensation may cover any physical injuries, pain and suffering inflicted, cost of medical bills, prolonged medical care, property damage, lost wages, reduced earning capacity, as well as any miscellaneous expenses that are applicable.

What if the accident was my fault?

If you are at fault for a motor vehicle accident, it is still in your best interest to contact an attorney. An attorney can help handle the logistics of your case and protect your rights in the event that you are involved in a personal injury lawsuit.

Do I need a lawyer if the accident wasn’t my fault?

While hiring a lawyer isn’t required, it may be beneficial to you as a lawyer can help you avoid liability for the accident as well as receive compensation for property damage, injuries, etc. Having a lawyer by your side can eliminate stress, allowing you to focus on healing.

What if the other driver has no insurance?

If you find yourself in a situation where the other driver is uninsured, your insurance company will likely cover any damages if you are protected by uninsured motorist coverage. If you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage, it is important to speak to an attorney about potentially filing a personal injury claim against the other driver.

Should I accept a settlement?

If an insurance company offers you a settlement, you do not have to accept, especially if you believe you are not being fairly compensated. Insurance companies do not always have your best interests in mind and typically offer less compensation in order to maximize their own profits. Work with a lawyer to make sure you receive what you are entitled to.

Should I get medical attention even if I feel ok?

Regardless if you feel fine, it is important to get examined by a medical professional. It is possible that you may not experience pain or other injury-related symptoms until a few days following the accident. Not seeing a doctor could affect your chances of receiving compensation for any injuries that may worsen.

Should I still hire a lawyer for a minor accident?

Again, although hiring a lawyer is not a mandatory requirement, there are several advantages to having one when navigating your accident. A lawyer can help you with filing your insurance claim, which can often be complex. They can offer support and guidance and work to ensure you are financially compensated for any damages.

How long do I have to file a lawsuit for personal injuries/property damage?

Under a statute of limitations, drivers involved in a car accident who wish to file a lawsuit must do so within a certain period of time. In Texas, you are given two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit for personal injuries and property damage.

Will I have to go to court?

While most lawsuits are resolved before going to trial, if a settlement can not be agreed upon or liability cannot be determined, a personal injury claim may be taken to court. A jury will be selected, and they will make a decision based off of the evidence presented to them.

Why do I need a lawyer?

A lawyer is necessary following car accidents because your insurance company is not always on your side. Companies may short-change your claim, withholding the compensation you should receive. Legally, proving liability can be difficult, settlement options are confusing, and filing lawsuits is complex. An attorney assures that you don’t miss out on financial compensation.

How long will it take to resolve my case?

There is no definitive answer for how long a case will take. Even the most simple of accidents may take longer than a year. However, this fact should not deter you from seeking legal action. Longer cases tend to rule in favor of the plaintiff and result in higher compensation.

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